Hike Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Leader: Gary Weiss
Leader Email: gary@sfhiking.com
Leader Phone: 415 279-5570
SF Meeting Location: Whole Foods; 2001 Market St. @ Dolores (on the Dolores St. side); parking on the street or below. Please only show up at Whole Foods if you've arranged to meet your ride or driver there.
East Bay Meeting Location: Rockridge BART, bottom of escalator.
Meeting Times: 9:00 AM from SF; 9:10 from Rockridge BART.
Rating: Level 3.5
Mileage: 7.25 miles
Elevation Gain: 1650 ft
Description: At 100', Carson Falls is, I believe, the tallest waterfall in Marin County. It's in several sections and can be viewed from a number of vantage points. With all the recent rains the falls should be spectacular. We'll be hiking up to it from below, and will experience the best views of the falls as we ascend. We'll begin from an inconspicuous, but legitimate trailhead on Fairfax-Bolinas Road called Old Sled Trail, climbing for a while along a beautiful creek to Oat Hill Fire Road. Shortly, we'll hike down what I consider one of the most beautiful trails in Marin - the Nail Trail. Several decades ago, locals were angry that some adventurous cyclists were using the trail and poured nails along its entire length. At the bottom we'll find ourselves in a spectacular old-growth cathedral grove. From there we'll climb up a fairly gradual trail to the falls. After climbing back up to Oat Hill Fire Road we'll take the San Geronimo Ridge trail through what's referred to as a pygmy forest of Sargent Cypress trees, with stunning views to the north, west and south. We then hike down another favorite - the Repine Trail which ends at the Saddle, with even more amazing views of Little Carson Gulch and the surrounding hills. We then make our way back to Oat Hill Fire Road and repeat the trail we took up from the cars. Dogs are permitted on leash throughout the Marin Water District. The hike is basically a double loop. If the weather is less than optimal some may prefer to only complete the first one.
Bring/Wear: Plenty of water, good hiking shoes, lunch, snacks and layers for a winter hike. Also, you may consider bringing poles for a few steep sections. AND chocolate!
Rain Policy: Contact hikeleader if weather is questionable.
Trailhead Meeting Place: Take US 101 to the San Anselmo/Sir Francis Drake Blvd. exit. Stay on SF Drake for a bit over 5 miles. After passing a tiny gas station on the left there will be a quick left onto Pacheco and an immediate right onto Broadway. At the first Stop sign go left onto Bolinas Rd. Once you're out of town, notice the occasional, short, vertical white signs alongside the road. They tell you how many miles you've gone from Fairfax. Our trail is at 4.83 miles. Parking will be on the scarce side, so carpooling is best. Parking will be alongside the road (please make sure you're completely off the road). There are good parking sections just past the trailhead and others just before. Park as close together as possible or some people will need to hike before the hike!
Old Sled Trailhead
Trailhead Meeting Time: 10:00 AM
Trailhead Departure Time: 10:15 AM
Total driving distance, there and back: 54 miles from SF; 63 from Rockridge.
Passenger Carpool Fees from SF: $9 From Rockridge BART: $10
(I will inform you of carpooling arrangements by late Thursday or early Friday.)
Level-3 |
Level-4 |
Level-5 |
< 5 miles
< 500' gain
moderately easy
5-7 miles
< 1000' gain |
7-9 miles
< 1500' gain
9-12 miles
< 2000' gain
very strenuous
12-15+ miles
>2000' gain |