• 11/25/2023
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Hikeleader: Gary Weiss


  • Registration for an SF Hiking Club Event with waiver of liability agreement.

Registration is closed


Hike Date:  Saturday, November 25, 2023

Leader:  Gary Weiss

Leader Email:

Leader Phone:  415 279-5570

Meeting Location (ONLY IF you've arranged for a ride in SF): Whole Foods;
2001 Market St. @ Dolores (on the Dolores St. side); parking on the street or below.
Please only show up at Whole Foods if you've arranged to meet your ride or driver there.

Meeting Time:  9:00 AM, departing shortly afterwards

Rating: Level 4

Mileage:  7.00 miles

Elevation Gain: 1350'

Description:  This hike will take us to areas that I go frequently to experience Mt. Tam in utter remoteness. This time of year, hopefully after a bit of rain, there will be plenty of water in the creeks and moss all over the place.  (Mushrooms galore - 6 weeks early!)  Beginning at the Quarry Lot near Mountain Theater, we'll hike towards the Benstein Trail, eventually coming to Barth's Retreat.   After climbing a bit among serpentine and Sargent Cypress trees we'll come to  Potrero Camp and eventually the breathtaking Lunar Landscape with its incredible views forever.  High Marsh Trail will be our lowest elevation of the day before ascending the spectacular Lower Azalea Meadow Trail along the East Fork of Swede George Creek.  We'll hike past Rifle Camp and a bit of the Northside Trail before heading back through more Sargent Cypress forest.  There are some ups and downs - nothing extreme or long.  There will be some non-system trail experience throughout the hike - my favorite kind!    Dogs are welcome in the watershed!

Bring / Wear:  Please bring plenty of water, lunch, snacks, sturdy hiking shoes and hiking poles if you use them.  And layers.  This part of the mountain tends to be cooler than others.

Weather Policy:  Check with hikeleader in the event of questionable weather.

Trailhead Meeting Place: We'll meet at the "Quarry Parking Area" just past Mountain Theater and Rock Spring. 
Exit Hwy 101 at the Stinson Beach/Hwy 1 exit.  At the first big intersection - Tam Junction - keep left at the Arco Station to stay on Hwy 1.  After several miles you'll reach an intersection where Hwy 1 continues straight ahead.  Keep right instead to get onto Panoramic Hwy.  At the first big intersection - 4 Corners - go straight up - not down to the left or right.  Stay on Panoramic for another 4+ miles. The road forks at Pantoll Ranger Station - stay right onto Pantoll Rd.  After less than a mile you'll get to Rock Spring Parking.  Turn right and continue for .4 miles to the Quarry Parking Lot on the right.  It's a very large dirt parking lot.
Google Maps Link

Trailhead Meeting Time:  10:00 AM

Trailhead Departure Time: 10:15 AM

Total driving distance, there and back: 44 miles

Passenger Carpool Fees from SF:  $8  From Rockridge BART: $13

Level-3 Level-4 Level-5

< 5 miles
< 500' gain

moderately easy
5-7 miles
< 1000' gain
7-9 miles
< 1500' gain

9-12 miles
< 2000' gain 

very strenuous
12-15+ miles
  >2000' gain
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